Friday, 18 September 2015

Lego starburst machine

Lego Starburst Machine! (Money operated)

Welcome Back! Today I will be showing you my latest Lego machine, The Lego Starburst Machine!!! Hope you enjoy this post,  notice the higher quality photographs!!! ENJOY!

Ok then, let's get started shall we!!! Here is the
machine! The coin slot is at the top left hand side
of the machine, the dispenser is on the right, and for
once, the colours are nice!

Here we see that a one pence coin does not fit the machine, only five pence coins work.

First, we place a five pence coin into the machine,
it won't work without one!

Once we have done that, we can now pull the bar on
the front of the machine, this allows the starburst to
fall into the dispenser, then we push the bar...

... And out comes a starburst! YUMMY!

To get the money, you simply just tip it out of the slot at
the back of the machine, you could add a more secure
system, but this one works just fine for now, especially
since i'm the only person who is likely to be using the

I forgot to add in the photo, but to reload the machine, all you need to do, is take the top off the dispenser magazine, and drop in more starbursts! You can see it at the top right hand corner of the machine, check out the top picture.

That's all for this machine, I am working on another right now, since my technic lego parts order has arrived! You should see the machine soon, but till then, discuss this post in the comments, and if you need any help understanding the machine, just ask me. Keep updated by checking out my newspaper at

Thursday, 3 September 2015

                LEGO GUM MACHINE!!!

 Hi folks! welcome to my first post in the lego creations section of  my blog!!! In this post I will be showing you my new lego gum machine! I have noticed that gum is getting very popular now, so I decided to make a lego machine that would sell gum for me! Today I will be teaching you how this machine works!!! First of all I would like to say sorry that the pictures are not so good, I took them at night in a dark room, and my camera is not very good, hopefully that will improve in future!

Small details of the machine:
Number of rounds: 7
Coin needed: British 5 pence coin
Gum needed: Wrigleys Extra peppermint gum

This is the machine!!!!

Ok, so first of all you put a five pence coin in the slot,
no other coin will work, because a five pence coin is
the smallest coin in the British currency.

Now, pull the bar on the front of the machine, and out
comes your one juicy piece of gum!!!!

To get the money, go to the back of the machine,
There, you will find a small door, pull it out with the key
and tip out your money!

Reloading the machine is simple, all you have to do
is remove the tiles on the top of the machine, and drop
in more pieces of gum, making sure that they fall flat,
otherwise the machine will not work. Obviously replace
The tiles again afterwards!!

Ok, so now we can look at the mechanism, it is very
complicated and hard for me to explain, but I will do
my best, If you have any questions, just ask them in the
comments below! So this piece is pretty much the main
part of the mechanism, I am going to call this the sliding
section, because that is what it is!

Here is the sliding section in place. Please focus now on
the technic pieces at the left hand side of the sliding section,
If you need to see it better, then look at the picture above
this one. Ok, the technic pieces are what I call the seesaw
lock, because it works like a seesaw. this 'seesaw' is what
stops the sliding section from moving without a coin, in this
picture, it is in the locked position, with the seesaw jamming
the sliding section, and stopping it from dispensing the gum.

To unlock the sliding section, you need to lift up the 
seesaw lock, which is what a five pence coin does.
Again, focus on the seesaw lock at the left hand side
of the machine, you will see that there is a coin lifting
up the bar, so all you need to do now, is to pull the
bar, and out comes your gum, and at the same time,
your coin falls into the coin bank below! Now let's talk about
the gum magazing, this is where the gum reloads into
the sliding section. You will see a 3x1 stud hole at
the right hand side of the sliding section, this is where
the gum goes. when the bar is pulled, the gum falls down
the chute, and the white tile at the back right hand side
of the sliding section stops any more gum from falling
down the chute!

Phew! that was tiring, but now I have a picture of the
machine without the sliding section. Here you can see
two holes, the hole at the right hand side is the chute,
this is where your gum slides down after you have
payed for it! The hole at the left hand side is the coin
bank, this is where your coin falls after you pull the bar!

 Wow! That was hard work! I hope you all understood the machine, and if you have any questions, then please feel free to ask them in the comment section below! I hope you enjoyed this post, and keep your eyes open, because there's more to come!!!

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Lego Creations

Welcome friends!!! I thought I would give you a little change and make a lego blog! I will still be continuing with my lock blogs but probably more work on this new one. Coming up are some new creations and in depth views on some cool new lego models and machines, take a look below and see what is coming up shortly :) My first creation review will be on a lego padlock (sorry couldn't resist!!!even my lego has to involve security!!) but then we will go ahead and show you my new lego tic tac machine (if I don't eat all the tic tacs before you get a chance!) and then my latest addition, a gum machine that takes money! well here are the preview pics, enjoy!!! 

P.S there are no pictures of my gum machine yet because I have not yet taken them, but they should appear soon!